Wood Fence Maintenance Strategies

Maybe the hardest part of wood fence maintenance is finding the motivation to do it – but not everyone is like this. That doesn’t imply that you should neglect this important area, and since your fence was expensive, it only makes sense that you would want to help keep it looking great. If you want to get your money back and then some in the event you sell your home, then just think about that if you are having a tough time getting off the sofa and out into the yard. Here are three suggestions for fence care and maintenance, and they have been tested over time.

Picket Fence

If you have a picket fence made from wood, then this will present different strategies with maintenance activities. You have seen pickets, and they are numerous than for a railing wood fence, so the additional wood structures that are inherent in a picket fence are what make the difference. In the case where you have to fix a broken picket support, it is suggested that you use the same part as ordered from the manufacturer. But for the picket, it may very well be possible for you to make the piece. And do not forget that the installation contractor may be able to help you out with this.

Replacement Parts

Eventually, you will need to do some small parts replacement on a wood fence, but there are plenty of reasons why pickets and even posts can become damaged. There is nothing wrong with making your own wooden replacement pieces, and at times a picket fence is at a higher risk.

Any time you are replacing a part that is wood, if the fence is stained then use the same type of stain on the new piece. Hiring a contractor to fix your fence is another accepted method for dealing with these matters, and ask the installation contractor because they usually know people like this.

Fence Cleaning

There is an area you cannot neglect, and this has everything to do with protective applications to inhibit wood rot and other risks. After that, you should give your fence a thorough cleaning and application of stain in about 4 years and no more than 5 years. Salty environs are the worst as they are highly corrosive to just about anything it comes in contact with, and so the way to combat this is with a solid stain. It would not hurt your fence to clean it once a year, but again it really just depends on your local conditions.

Learning proper wood fence maintenance will not break your brain, and in fact it is very easy to do. You may find that your fence will not require much, and this should be welcomed. If you have washed and worked with staining and stripping, then you will not have difficulties.

Give Your Outside Deck A Colorful Makeover

Everybody would like to have their house look nice, and with a bit of ingenuity and elbow grease, you can do it easily. For making your veranda or outdoor deck look more vibrant simply use blocks of bright colors. You could also imagine a new look for your outdoor areas that incorporate new boldly designed furniture to enliven the ambiance. Sometimes second-hand pieces can look new with a bit of effort and creativity. The rest of this post is going to explain to you even more ways to pep up your outside deck or patio.

Coat Paint

Your outside deck’s appearance will benefit greatly from a good power scrub prior to applying a coat of paint or stain. Use your inventiveness to create a stylish color structure. For example, you could potentially paint the deck borders one color and then implement a contrasting color on the uprights. Ways to jazz up your outdoor deck or patio are only restricted by your imagination. Patios usually are not for anything but looks, so you need to make it look all set for company. It can appear very tasteful if you furnish it with inexpensive chairs and tables in keeping with your color scheme. A vibrant bar cart will look good in one of the corners with some glassware that is bright acrylic.

Varying Shades of Colors

Even old wicker chairs and tables might be brought to life with color-matched paint and used on your deck. Possibly, you will feel a little adventuresome, and paint some kind of pattern, and when you do, use acrylic paint that you protect with a coat of varnish. Look for an oblong pot or a galvanized bucket, that you’ll be able to paint a bright color with some design on the side. It is possible to use this to have a fancy bucket for ice, for whatever you need cooled. You should keep food at a distance from the surface, except if you are using paint that is safe for food. Make use of natural objects and environments to inspire your patterns and colors, for instance, a seaside theme with pale blues, yellows, and greens is eye-catching. An interesting effect can be achieved if you paint the slats of a slatted table-top with varying shades of one color. The palette of colors is entirely up to you so be free and creative!

The outside of your home shouldn’t have to be boring, so paint garden sheds something colorful, along with window boxes and trim. Once the evening arrives you can bring your patio or deck area to life by setting up colorful outdoor lighting. Lighting fixtures can easily be strung in rows or as single lanterns from overhead beams or from branches of nearby trees. Plenty of people have bought ordinary white vinyl furniture before and you may be one of them. To make it match your new deck or patio colors you can paint it with a paint specially made for vinyl. New cushions on your newly painted vinyl chairs will certainly complete that renewed look. Be patient when selecting a color scheme to get it perfect and the end result will be harmonious. Needless to say, everyone has differing likes and preferences and so color schemes may turn out with pastel shades or vivid and bold colors. End up getting acquainted with design strategies out there to inspire your own backyard renovation project.